Are We Training or Entertaining Our Children?

Regardless of what people might say, there’s a big difference in training versus entertaining…and it has nothing to do with fun.  Often a conversation about ministry to children includes comments like the following: “We just want it to be fun for the kids.” “It’s so much easier to relate when we can just do the … Continue reading

A Review of Limited Church: Unlimited Kingdom by Rob Rienow

A Review of Limited Church: Unlimited Kingdom – Uniting Church and Family in the Great Commission by Rob Rienow, Randall House, 2013, 325 pp., $22.99, One of the hottest topics in churches today is the idea of family ministry. The resources are increasing in number as are the approaches and, thereby, the frustration. You … Continue reading

Family Ministry: An Illustration of the Gospel

As we wrap up 2012, the following is the most-read post of the year. I look forward to continuing to share with you in 2013! ———– I’m excited to be joining in with dozens other bloggers that serve in churches around the country to answer the question: What is family ministry? It’s all part of … Continue reading

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