
Books: (click the links to purchase the book or to get the full reviews)

Creative Bible Lessons on the Trinity, Youth Specialties/Zondervan, 2012.

The Trinity can be one of the most difficult ideas in the Bible to understand. How can our God be made up of three different people? Andrew Hedges answers this question in Creative Bible Lessons on the Trinity, an in-depth guide perfect for small groups and student discussions. Divided into three sections, one for each aspect of the Trinity, this book presents students with a clear understanding of the role each part plays. Biblical evidence is supplemented with discussion questions so your small group can talk about how they see the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit work in their own lives. Creative Bible Lessons on the Trinity also includes a guide to identifying and working with different learning styles, so you can connect effectively with each of the students in your small group. With this knowledge, you’ll be able to effectively teach your students to incorporate what they learn about the Trinity into their day-to-day lives.

Rightly setting a high bar for teens. —C. Christopher Smith (Englewood Review of Books)

a timely resource to put into the hands of youthworkers. Hedges has put together a series of lessons that is creative yet extremely practical. The subject of the Trinity sounds as if it could be theoretical and esoteric, but it is profound and very teenage friendly. Your students will greatly benefit from this study. –David Olshine, Director of Youth Ministry, Family and Culture, Columbia International University, Columbia, South Carolina (

This book, much like the rest of the Creative Bible Lesson Series, is an outstanding teaching resource for any youth worker. —Dan Istvanik (

…It has great statements that will stick with my students, as well as an easy-to-use format…This is a must-have for youth workers. –Christopher Pope, Student Pastor, Cornerstone Community Church (

Oftenor maybe alwaysthe Trinity is hard to explain to students. Let’s face it, the egg example doesn’t always answer the pressing questions from students. Andrew Hedges offers a better resource then the egg, one that will answer the tough questions and engage students to pursue deeper levels of God’s awesomeness. Not only can you use these lessons as a whole, but you can use them as split lessons (i.e., Confirmation classes). There is plenty of material here, which makes each lesson pliable. This is a great resource to have in your library of studies. Shawn Harrison, Student and Family Pastor, Wayne Street United Methodist Church, Saint Marys, Ohio. (

Creative Bible Lessons in Essential Theology, Youth Specialties/Zondervan, 2009.

As a youth worker you have certainly spent much of your time addressing the current issues facing teens, but have you stopped to think about what may be behind students’ behavior? Many of the not-so-wise choices students make are the result of a confused worldview that comes from uncertainty about who God is. It’s easy for students to dismiss the truth when they learn from the world that all truth is relative. Creative Bible Lessons: Essential Theology uses a conversational approach to give students a theological foundation to better understand God and his purpose for how to live their lives. Throughout the twelve sessions of this study students will— * learn how creation provides evidence of God’s existence. * look at how God has chosen to reveal himself through his Word. * learn to live lives that reflect God’s love for them. * understand their need for God’s direction. * commit to following God’s will as they make life decisions. * discover how God’s invitation to enter his kingdom affects the direction of their lives. * examine where they are with God on a personal level. Following in the tradition of the bestselling Creative Bible Lessons series, you’ll find audio, visual, and hands-on activities to engage your students in the pursuit of theology. And because every student learns differently, each lesson includes options to help you reach your particular group of students, whether they learn best from imaginative, analytic, common sense, or dynamic teaching styles. With all these tools at your disposal you are guaranteed to get your students fired-up for seeking God and his plan for them.

Hedges continues the Creative Bible Lessons series with an unbelievable look at the pursuit of theology. With the addition of audio, visual and hands-on activities, this resource provides an excellent opportunity to reach all types of academic learners. I was amazed at the implicit depth of the material. It is a must-have item for all youth pastors seeking to provide a Christian worldview to their students. —Youthworker Journal, September/October 2009

Many of the essentials are here, including the importance of attending church, love, surrender and control, God’s identity, God’s will, and so many others. The best part of this book is in the philosophy that motivates it. It doesn’t actually teach theology; rather it encourages students to discuss it. The book requires that leaders be ready to lead theological discussions, which can sometimes be more challenging than teaching theology. Use this book to help students dig deeper into what they believe. —The Journal of Student Ministries, Summer 2009)

Creative Bible Lessons in Nehemiah, Youth Specialties/Zondervan, 2005.

We may think of them as the leaders of tomorrow, but the kids you minister to are already leaders—they’re the leaders of today. In hallways, on playing fields, and in their own homes, students are influencing the lives that surround them. Nehemiah is one of the Bible’s most powerful examples of what a godly leader looks like. This newest collection of Creative Bible Lessons helps your students connect with this ancient figure in a way that is both engaging and relevant. Each session focuses on one chapter of the Old Testament book by using activities that emphasize four different learning styles—thereby ensuring that your students hear what they need to hear in ways they need to hear it. The session titles include: A Leader Passionately Prays A Leader Teaches Truth A Leader Walks the Walk A Leader Instills Integrity A Leader Hungers for Holiness Each session also offers an overview, a list of things you’ll need, background information on the Nehemiah chapter, openers, plenty of questions, and application options such as games, discussion starters, and small group activities that help the meaning of Nehemiah stick in your students’ heads. Creative Bible Lessons in Nehemiah will get your students thinking about the kinds of leaders God is calling them to be and provide them with the tools to be that leader…today.

…a thorough study on the character and practices of a leader…. —Youthworker Journal

The messages given were excellent, biblically sound, interesting and flowed well… –Ruth

Awesome lessons for young people on leadership and the principles behind it. We’re using it right now! –The Father’s House

Articles in Print:

Worship 101: What to Do When You’re Called to Lead“, Youthworker Journal, May/June 2010.

“Leadership in Relationships”, Student Leadership Journal, Winter/Early Spring 2002.

*Various web articles can be found at

Reviews in Print:

The Indispensable Youth Pastor by Mark DeVries and Jeff Dunn-Rankin, The Journal of Family Ministry, Fall/Winter 2011, Volume 2, Issue 1.

Before You Hire a Youth Pastor by Mark DeVries and Jeff Dunn-Rankin, The Journal of Family Ministry, Fall/Winter 2011, Volume 2, Issue 1.

*Various web reviews can be found at

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