The Best Hiding Place Ever

This morning, I had the honor of cuddling with my daughter Ella.

For once, I was up earlier that she, and I was sitting on the couch reading when she came out of her room. It was still a bit cold in the house, and I was sitting with a blanket around my shoulders when she came over to sit down. Of all my daughters, Ella is the one who gets cold most quickly.

I lifted my blanket-covered arm, and she naturally bent in and snuggled into my side. She is so small that she nearly disappeared under my arm and blanket. I set my book aside, and we watched the sunrise outside our front window and talked about how beautiful it was every morning. (Of course, Ella knows this as she’s well familiar with the early morning hours!)

As my daughter sit peacefully hidden in my arms, I couldn’t help but think about my life in Christ.

It’s difficult in the busyness of life to keep our minds focused on what really matters, but our motivation and inspiration for each day can come only when we set our mind on things above.

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

Colossians 3:1-4, NIV

Every day, my mind needs to be put in proper perspective.

My mind needs to be set on things above, where Christ is. How would my day be different if I began with thoughts of Jesus on the throne, “seated at the right hand of God”? I would be able to face my highs and lows with a proper perspective. In the struggles, I would not forget Who is sovereign. In my successes, I would never forget Who enables.

Each day I need to set my mind with back turned toward earthly things – the thinking of this world that leaves no room and gives no thought for the God of my salvation. I would have my mind’s eye tuned into what God’s will is, his perfect and pleasing will for my life. Oh that the things of earth should grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.

I can do this when I realize that I have the best hiding place ever.

You see, I have died – my old self with it’s earthly bent. Now, Christ lives in me, and God has made me His own. But more than that. I live in Him. My life is “hidden with Christ in God.”

When morning comes, I can face the promise of a new day knowing I live securely in the arms of the grace that saved me. When I wake up to a cold world of troubles, I can go to His side and know His loving arms will give peace to my soul. I can say with the Psalmist:

You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.

Psalm 32:7, NIV

I am hidden with Christ in God.

The Father and the Son are one, and they have hidden me within themselves. No matter what I’ve done or what I’m going through, I am in a position of love, grace, mercy, and hope.

And I know this when I set my mind on who I am in Christ.

Years ago, Steven Curtis Chapman wrote a song to help him remember the same thing.

You’re my hiding place, safe in Your embrace
I’m protected from the storm that rages
When the waters rise, and I run to hide
Lord, in You I find my hiding place

Steven Curtis Chapman, 1989

May the words of Scripture and the tune of this song help us all set our minds on Christ.

And maybe one of the best ways to be reminded is to start each day with a good, warm cuddle.

2 Responses to “The Best Hiding Place Ever”
  1. Sharman Hedges says:

    I really like this and want to thank you for sharing these thoughts…I needed to reset my mind and remember my hiding place. I shared this with my Facebook friends.

  2. Sheila says:

    Beautifully stated. Thanks for the encouraging words!

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